Sunday, March 15, 2009

Who is the low life scum bag who stole our backpack!?

I hope no one has had to go through getting something stolen from them, and until now I hadn't. We took a nice family vacation to Oregon last Wednesday, and were having such a lovely time, up until we picked up our bags in baggage claim at the Portland International Airport. We had 3 checked bags, a diaper bag, and a backpack (which contained....uhem....a black hoodie, an ipod shuffle and headphones, my planner, our SONY digital camera and MY WALLET!) I think I could punch the person right in the throat if I ever came face to face with them. We either left it where we sat to wait for our ride, or someone snatched it and we just didn't notice. But either way, by the time I had called my bank (2 hours later, because we didn't notice it was gone until we got to my mom's and after I called the airport) the criminal had made 5 purchases on my credit and debit cards! And what's worse, if it could possibly get worse, is that my idiot self kept my Social Security card in my wallet too. And I know what some of you are thinking, "How could she do that!? That's not good." and others of you are thinking, "Man, I carry my Social Security card in my wallet too." Well a little advice to those that do, "Don't do it". Take it out right now and keep it somewhere safe at your house. So I will forever be checking my credit report every year, for a long time. Needless to say I spent a very long time on the phone cancelling things and filing a police report. Well I could go on and on about all the stuff I had to do on my vacation, but I learned that to fully enjoy something, you have to let go and not think about the things you can't control. After the 2nd day I was in Oregon, I did all I could do, and I just kicked back and enjoyed my family and have tried not to think about it till now. So....always check you have every bag before you leave the airport.


  1. Aw, man! This STINKS! With a capital STINKS! Brad got his wallet stolen about a year ago, but they just stole the cash and ditched the wallet with credit cards etc. Of course we had already cancelled everything by the time we found it. Some people really don't deserve to be called human. I think Scumbag would be appropriate.

  2. Oh, I'm sorry that happened! I can't understand how people can be such jerks. Hopefully you won't have any financial issues because of this. Identity theft is a BIG PAIN to deal with. Make sure you dispute anything that's wrong because of it.

  3. Their time will come... Then POW! THROAT PUNCH!

  4. Totally! Through that whole post I just imagine Val giving someone a good ol' throat punch!!
