On January 19th, Berkley turned 2 years old!!! And let me tell you...she is 100% toddler! She is putting more words together to form half sentences. She likes to do everything by herself...she let's us know this by saying," I DO IT!!!" It's funny sometimes, sometimes, not so much. She is such a happy little person, which makes her so much fun to be around! She loves to laugh, play hide-n-seek, cook, watch movies, eat otter pops, share her snacks, color, play with stickers, build forts, count, sing songs, play with toys, and so many other wonderful things that makes her who she is. One funny thing that she does a lot is when she shares something of hers with someone else she turns to someone and says, "I nice." It's SOO cute! We (and when I say "we" I mean everyone who knows Berkley) love her to pieces and are so blessed to have her in our life. She is sweet and lovable and just the cutest little girl in the world.
Here are some pictures of Berkley being 2 and at her birthday party.
Post birthday festivities
All ready to party!
Berkley and her friend!
Party table.
Fun with family and the photo booth!
Berkley is scared of fire, so we got to blow out her candle.
Berkley and her Grandmas!
Berkley and her Grandpa!
Berk and Abue.
Fun with frames
Our goofy girl.
Pretty faces!
Berkley at Grandma and Grandpa's house...celebrating...again. :)